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28th September - 02. October 2009:
Stadtrallye Hankensbüttel

What a month! Shortly after the class-trip to "Autostadt Wolfsburg" I joined "my" class 4c again. I have as well been charged for driving some kids to Hankensbüttel with my van. It's been a really cool time with the kids. 19 kids and two teachers (I've been the second for that trip) on the road and outside of a regular schoolday. A lot of responsibilty for the kids & for the class but no problem for me and not at all with these awesome kids!
After the trip from Altwarmbüchen to Hankensbüttel the first day we did a rallye through the city to get it to know a bit more (see first three pictures). The rallye has been quite long in the end. The second day we were introduced to shooting with bow and arrows (see pictures below) and in the afternoon we did a trip to a museum of hunting (Jagdmuseum Wulff) where we got very wet because of very rainy weather.
On Wednesday we visited the local clarification plant and did a research trip to a brook (little river). On Thursday, already our last whole day we visited the Otterzentrum Hankensbüttel. On Friday we drove back home after cleaning up everything in the youth hostel and in the late afternoon I got ready for our participation at the regatta in Celle on Saturday.

Stadtrallye HankensbüttelHarald
GlennBogenschießen Harald
Bogenschießen CedricOtterzentrum Hankensbüttel
Otterzentrum HankensbüttelCedric
26th September 2009:
Treffen mit Piet, Yenz, Thomas in HH, Autogramme (t. b. added)
22nd September 2009:
GS Altwarmbüchen Autostadt Wolfsburg 2009Two great but very different events today: first of all I have been to the "Autostadt Wolfsburg" with the 4th grade of the GS Altwarmbüchen and we spent a great time with different activities. I have been allowed to join the activities, because I am the person looking after Jonas. The teachers normally were not allowed to join the activities.
The time with the kids made me look forward to the forthcoming class trip to Hankensbüttel at the end of this month.
Tarja Live 2009In the evening I've been to the "Capitol" in Hannover together with Jan to see Tarja (former Nightwish singer) on the current "My Winter Storm Tour". Christine could manage to get Jan and me onto the guestlist, because she's supporting Mike Terrana, Tarjas live drummer since a while. At the beginning of the show I have been upset and angry because the sound was mixed so bad that I could only hear Mike much too loud drumming and Tarjas voice, but nothing of the other instruments. Althoug we were about to leave and would have done if the sound wouldn't have become better, we stayed and were very very happy in the end about it. It wasn't just a normal concert like I use to know from other bands. Of course I don't have to say that Tarjas voice is awesome but the whole show and being in touch with the fans during the concert has been so much impressing. At the middle of her show there's been a break and some roadies started to build up some instruments right in the middle of the audience. Tarja came into the audience and played and sang some songs between all the fans, face to face. Although we haven't been down in that crowd we could feel the tension as well. A fantastic day slowly came to an end and I was fulfilled with so many impressions.

(1+2): The course for the driver's license test for the kids with the electro-beetles.
GS Altwarmbüchen Autostadt Wolfsburg 2009GS Altwarmbüchen Autostadt Wolfsburg 2009

(3+4): Having a delicious self-made pizza in the middle of the activities round midday.
GS Altwarmbüchen Autostadt Wolfsburg 2009GS Altwarmbüchen Autostadt Wolfsburg 2009
19th September 2009:
Head Of The River Leine 2009Today there's been out traditional "Head Of The River Leine" race at the RVL where Jan-Georg and I joined the organisation team and took the times of the boats in the finish.
12th + 13th September 2009:
Sieg Sven RVS Herbst 2009Sven und Robin RVS-Regatta Herbst 2009This weekend we had our first races in autumn 2009 on the Maschsee. On Saturday there's been the traditional RVS-Regatta. It was organised very bad this time which caused a bit trouble during the event. To name just one mistake: Pauline had to row 500m instead of only 300m as written in the announcement of the regatta. However we had a lot of fun and Sven (see left) could reach a first place in the Single (Skiff) in his age class.
We have only been at the races with a very small group (Jorel, Pauline, Sven, Robin and René), but could mix the teams a bit to have as many races as possible with that small amount of kids participating. So Sven rowed with Robin on Saturday and with rené on Sunday in the Double-Scull.
Of course I had my digital camcorder with me again although I hardly know when I will finally find the time again to make more dvds out of all the material, because I have even left tons of material of my first group from 2005/06. Jan visited us as well during the races, like in good old times.

(1-4): Jorel, Sven, René and Robin at the RVS-Regatta,
(5+6 ): Harald with digital camcorder, Sven and René at the SRVN-Regatta

Jorel RVS Regatta Herbst 2009Sven RVS Herbst 2009
Sven RVS Herbst 2009Sven RVS Herbst 2009
Harald SRVN Herbst 2009Harald SRVN Herbst 2009