Life is to short to have no fun...
...so party on!

In my new flat in Hannover - Oberricklingen
in September 2008

(1+2): "Well, Shorsh and Harald: Your
beer is empty, get another one!"

Watching the old rowing-dvds and remembering
the past... with some beers! ;-)

Great evening, do I have to say more?
In the Ballroom Hamburg in July 2008

It's been such a long time ago, but
finally we teemed up again in Hamburg at the Fishmarket (Irish
Pub & Ballroom)

"Father's Day" in May 2004 after
a barbecue at the watergate near my flat

(1-5): Jan-Georg and me in my flat in the evening

Halloween 2003 in the Irish Pub Hannover

(1): Jan-Georg together with me
Frederiks Party before his leaving to England,
August 2003

(1): Jan-Georg and me rocking to some
Metal, that really has been rare that night!, (2): Me rocking'

(1): Power-Sven and me, (2) Shorsh
and me shortly before falling over two banks and one table! ;-P

(1): Me rocking with Beck's gold beeeeeer!
Irish Pub after a party in my Metal-Bar,

Really cool trip to the Irish
Harp in December 2002

(1): Shorsh (Jan-Georg) and me in
the Irish Harp, (2): Jan and Jan-Georg - "Jan: Your
beer is empty, get another one!"
Jan's Photosession:

(1): Still all three guys on the picture,
(2): Jan, what are you doing?

(3): Jan, where have you been gone?

Drinking some beer and listening to Metal in
Tobias room

(1): Simone & me 'online' in Tobias

In the subway "üstra"

Irish Pub & Irish Harp

Somewhere else:
Stadthallenfest '99 (Town Hall Celebration '99)

In front of the Rockcafé Booster's in Hannover

At home