Time passes by, the world changes, people change,
relationships and friendships change and what I got to know very
deep: in bad times you find out who your real friends are.
There's been a famous person in my life that once said to me: "If
there are 50 persons in your life that are against you, it is not
for sure that these persons are right with what they
There are still relationships constantly and so strong that they
cannot be destroyed by anything in this world. And that's what
makes a real friendship: standing still besides someone even if
he does mistakes. And not every person that crossed my way in life
is so mature to have this characteristic.
Another important thing is
that time is a great healer and helps getting along with negative things
in the past and after all you realize that the problems in the past only
made you stronger. I think that's life and it's a challenge to succeed
in it! So finally it's here, a updated credits section with persons that
were or still are very important for me in my life:
Personal thanks to:
for the long and very good friendship that we had in the past starting
with our great work with the RVL-Kids and sadly though ending after
our fight in 2006. But however we did a incredibly great and unique
job with the kids and for sure we will always have that times in
our mind. It had become our second home and second family and made
us strong for the real life outside the team. What is more we had
a really f*****g great time on the road (Vienna 2005,...)!
... for beeing again one of my best friends since 2008. It's great
to have you back again as such a good friend, it almost feels like
it's never been different and that's great! I know I can again
count on you in every situation. I am really looking forward to
the future and we will hopefully have at least such a great time
together and many more trips with our vans as we used to have in
the past!
first of all for our everlasting friendship, the cool times we
had together especially in the past and in our "younger years"
with Tobias as well and for believing in me at any time in the
past and for letting me know that I can always count on you in
any situation of life. Jan: thanks for all your support in life
and with the rowing groups! It cannot be payed with money what
you did for me and the kids!
I remember many things we achieved together in the past, many
great rowing dvds just to name one big thing that has been part
of our work for the RVL Kids! Many things like buying boats ot
travelling to races would not have been possible without your great
support for us. THANX for all!
for the best friendship of the past in our childhood and when
we grew up in the same street. Finally I added you here as
well although we hardly have contact nowadays and both mainly
go our own ways I think.
We had
a cool friendship in the past, so many things we did together, good and bad things,
all that belongs to a friendship of boys, flirting with the first
girls of our lifes, drinking the first beers together, the first
metal concerts (Helloween 1996) and many many more things that
will be in my mind for always.
... for our great friendship.
You have been a good friend to me for such a long time, not only
during our studies, respecting my opinions, thoughts and feelings
even if it is not always like yours. In between I also got to know
your thoughts and feelings quite well and we have some things in
common! There are often things in our mind we don't have to talk
about but know what the other thinks of (life, women,...)! You always took and take
the time to help me if I need(ed) it in life... stay the way you
are and be sure to have my biggest recognision for what you did/do
for me in life! Great to see that you are going your way with your
partner - she is it I know!
Well, actually not myself, but Harald as well *smile*! ... for the great time studying together, motivating each other any time and in any case where it's been necessary and talking about everything including women and life in general.
Although each of us now goes his own way and we have different kind of jobs and we live too far away from each other it's been cool to have you in my life and I maybe we will one day meet again in life?!
My family in heaven
and on earth
... especially my dogs "Schnuffi" & "Pummel" and
my mum, simply for being and letting me grow up in such a positive
environment. At least I started admiring it when I got to know
through my studies and my work with kids and families that it is
not taken for granted that you grow up so peacefully. It has not
always been easy to get along with you/me but I think that belongs
to growing up somehow!? Thanks for all the support you gave to
me during all the years in the past, present and future!
- "LZ
were supposed to be here as well after our ways got seperated
in 2006. You are still here and I think there really was a time
when I thought you really belong here at least as much as the
other persons even if times changed a lot during after a while.
It's hard to describe what you really
have been for me and which role you played in my life so far, but
it has been something special from the very first moment we met
sometime in 2004.
I think nobody else knows and should judge
about what there has been and I think even WE hardly know... but
maybe our glances in the past knew?! I will always have
our special moments in mind (and on video - Celle 2005!) and I
had been glad to have you back in Germany and in my life!
Update October 2008: I would never have thought that
there would be a second time it feels like splitting up our so called 'friendship' that I think hardly could have been one compared
to the situation nowadays. What happened? - I only know that I don't have the will to continue this crap any longer!
It's up to you
if you finally see what's meant to be and what might be your
future but I fear you don't listen to your inside but to what
others say that tell you how to be and what freedom, believe and safety
really is in life. I won't again give away my feelings, heart
and strength to someone that doesn't live in reality and is
controlled by someone else. So you'd better be true to yourself!
RVL-Kids 2002-2006
especially for the great time we had in the past, for being my
second "family" and
my place to feel free and spent most of my time in life all
the years. It's really been something special for almost everyone
who had been part of it and we all learned a lot from eachother
I think. You were not at all only a youth group, you were
always something special for me!
It's been over faster than we expected and after all it's just like a dream
in our minds. It would be far too many of you that I could name right here
so I will just leave it this way... I think you all know who you are and
which special part each of you had in my life at the club! BTW: The
Celle 2006 (see left) team really ruled!
...and a silent "hello" to all
kids that didn't believe in my work and/or person for in the past or
hid their own problems by blaming others and what is more hurting others...
and only making trouble to get attention! Maybe oneday you will be
matured enough to see what you've done and will learn what real friendship
is, right, LZ?!
RVL-Kids 2008
for giving me back the strength, energy and idealisme for
building up a new youth group at my last rowing club.
There were
times I would never ever have thought that there would be a (let's
say) second part of everything. A bit strange feeling to be at
the same place with totally different kids, but it's already
very fimiliar to me and I like it a lot.
A big hello to all of you: Dominik, Arne, Ümit, Pauline,
Sven, Timo, Robin and all that there will be in the future! WE
I am looking forward to spending a lot of time with you in the
future! Let's see what will be possible to aim for in the future
with the new structure in the club and with a bit new concept.
RVL-Kids 2010 up to today...
again and again for ...
 Christopher & Dominique...
... and to their family including
BRISKO and the other "zoo" ...for
being so nice neighbours, students and even mates and almost my
second family, too! Nicki: stay the way you are and you will find
your way! Violetta: thanks for chatting all the time and supporting
me in whatever happens in my life! Vio: I absolutely share your
opinion about what belongs to a good friendship! And: thanks for
charing my opinions and beeing there for me so many times, especially
with good advice via ICQ but I always wondered, how you could
manage your family and still have so much time left for listening
to me all the time! *smile*
... for the
cool time you've been my rowing-student but it's been much more
in my eyes! Thank you for the cool video-editing sessions in
my flat, for the insider-laughs (the ones that Pauline didn't
like at all! *LOL*)... and at the end most for believing in Tamara
and me all the time! I think we will have some more cool time
in the future, rocking on concerts or in the "bunker" as
we used to in the past! I will never forget you imitating Peavy
from Rage or playing drums to "Straight
to hell"! Stay the way you are, it counts a lot in life to
be able to advocate one's own opinion like you always do! Thanks for your statement
on your
homepage about the split at the rowing club and thanks to your
parents, too, for supporting me!
4c - Grundschule Altwarmbüchen 2009/2010
... at the beginning it's
just been a new kind of job for me.
But especially in the end it became
a really great time with all of you even though it's been a hard
time sometimes. There are so many moments that will remain in my mind
forever... like the class trip to Hankensbüttel in the beginning, the
meeting with Hannover 96 (shortly before Robert died) or all the last
excursions at the end of the term (Wöhler-Dusche-Hof, Herrenhäuser
Special thanks first of all to Glenn!!! (stay the way you are!) but
as well to Niko, Jonas S. (you'll find your way for sure!), Cedric,
Jonas B. and Vanessa (the "Froop" girl!) from the girls but
all other crazy kids as well! And last but not least the class teacher
Frau Langer! PS.: Thanks as well to all kids during the breaks, especially
Maksim for fooling around with you!
for the incredibly great and emotional time with all of you...
I think I learnt at least as much from you as you maybe did from me!
Basti & Kralle
... even if
we normally don't find that much time to talk or meet, I know I
can count on you! I will never forget the first years "on
tour" with you, there
will nothing be like that again I think! Hope to see you soon at
another Metal-event! Basti: thanks for the homepage support and advice
and be sure you still can do the best and loudest burps in galaxy!
Kralle: thanks for the hottest signed Helloween Pic-LP collection
and for best deals on Merchandise ("Da nimmste's halt schnell
bevor's weg ist, das sind meine letzten Exemplare, die gehen weg
wie warme Semmeln")!
... not only a Swedish-German
internet-acquaintanceship, but a really long friendship (almost about
ten years so far?!) after a funny beginning (oh, you are NOT a girl?)
beginning, many, many years ago! Thanks for listening to me all the
time during the chats and on the phone and thanks for telling me
I am right about what I do, feel and think! I hope we will finally
personally meet sometime in this galaxy!?
Update April 2007: ...so short as
if it's almost been like a dream for both of us, but not unreal
anymore, we made it! Thanks for your incredible kind hospitality,
the friendly and familiar athmosphere with you, Pernilla, "Deris" and "Attila",
the sweetest cats on earth! And thanks for the delicious and interesting
meals! And be sure: the next time we will meet, won't take eight
more years! Stay heavy! ;-)
Update April 2009:
"I am proud to be your friend! Let this friendship
last so much longer that counting the years will get impossible!!!"
Janne: "Heavier words than these have not been spoken and I agree with
this sentence and your words to 110%! Thank you for having me in your life!"
... first of all for being my all time favorite
drummer! But there is much more I want to thank you for! For the
cool but rare lessons and the nice time drumming together, for
all your inspiring and very individual live sessions in the past
and future... and not at least for the friendship all over the
years (round about 5 or even more)! Thanks, too, for the kind talks
in Hamburg, on the phone about life and it's problems,... all the
best for you!
Band thanks to:
Music means a lot to me for sure. Without the music
of some bands I would be nothing in this world, not even existing
anymore in my eyes! The music of my favourite bands gives me the power
I need in my life. It's real handmade music with emotions and feelings
the only true music in my eyes. And for me it's not only the cool
music the bands make, it's much more. It's the fact that I got
to know their members as quite normal human beings with feelings
faults and everything that I also have.

Helloween for sure belongs here in the frist place as you can guess from the whole layout of the page and from the link this page has.
Helloween has not only been my first huge 'love' in metal but giving me my nickname "Little Helloweenie" as well when my classmates got to know of my crazy trips to Hamburg during my school time.
It started with Michi Kiske's "Future World" on the Live in the UK CD and was the beginning of a very long era that still isn't over yet, because although there have been many changes in the band you still manage to impress me a lot and your music gave so much power to me that I still feel that's it's something really special! Thanks to all present (Markus & me on the right) and past members, especially Uli and Roland (you did a great job in the band!) for all talkings and times in the past. Roland: it's been great to get you to know and I hope we will soon get in touch again (I am still trying to get the pic of us in Berlin!!!)!
Special thanks to Weiki for signing all of my hundreds of records! :-P

 Kai ("Großvater
des Melodic Metal"), Henjo, Dirk and Dan ...for
beeing one of my all time favorite bands and for all the cool
events together with the Schizoid Clan and
the great time especially on the "Powerplant Tour" in
1999 (11 shows in Germany and Austria )
but also on all other great shows in the past years you did!
There were so many situations and times over the years in my
life were you gave me the power to carry on! First of all your
music and your lyrics give me the strength but what is more,
your way of being and every minute with you does, too! Totally
awesome! :-P

 ...for being one of the most powerful
metal-bands in my life and what is more, for being the
kindest band and honest guys in the business! Thanks
for all the time with you in the past and in the future
and thanks for letting me be part of the show! Very strange
that I so far do not have a picture of the whole band
together with me - so definitely something to be done
in the future. Special thanks to Yenz (together with
me on the right) for the great chats and phonecalls and
very very much thanks for supporting me with material
for your webpages, graphics, texts or even mental support
from you!

...for being one of my all-time favorite metal bands that has been part of my life since more then ten years so far! It's unbelievable how much power you, your personalities and your music has/have given me up to the present day and will do for sure in the future as well. My deepest respect for everything you did so far, always beeing honest and "true" and taking the music-business not too ! These word go out especially to Tobias Sammet, for me you are on the same high level musicians like André Matos, Michi Kiske are and I know how much these guys have influenced you and your style! Starting with the "Theatre Of Salvation" album and the following tour with Gamma Ray the story began. Every album that followed and every tour has become a special thing for me in my life and word can not describe what it means to me! Thanks for always being so warm friendly all the time!

 ... for all your great heavy metal music and especially the time with you in 2008: Dokkum (NL), Hamburg and Hannover (GER)! Thanks as well for some great Helloween cover songs, you make the pumpkin come alive!
I hardly remember the first time I saw you live... must have been in 2002 at the Iron Savior Mega Metal Party gig in the "Grünspan" in Hamburg where you were opener for Iron Savior. My attention finally grew when you joined the new label Dockyard1 and today you belong to one of my favorite live bands! Thanks to Lars (on the right together with me in HH, 2008), Yenz (!!!), Alex and Falko. Keep the true Heavy Metal alive!

Sonata Arctica
... for all your music starting from your very first release in 2000 which in my eyes is one of the best debuts I know! Your music is so strong and emotional in one way that it's totally fascinating me. I remember so many nights where I've been sitting at home at my desk listening to your music and having a beer, or playing drums to one of your songs, like my absolutely fav. one, "My Land", escaping from reality into 'your' dreamland. Special thanks to Tommy (see picture) for one of my favorite drummers!
More bands will follow soon...
Internet thanks to:
Christopher Ullrich for
very quick, kind and individualized help with the
Webshop and Forum for the Iron Savior Webpage
Jens Schauer for
incredibly awesome help with guestbooks, forums and other
Drew Stevens for chatting, helping
with webpage-stuff of Iron Savior and
Savage Circus
Hansy Heider for
the great support with the translation of the page/news of
my Little Helloweenie Homepage
Stefan Kolke for
e-mailing and some kind talks about METAL & LIFE
Dino Dal Farra kind
chats in the past and in the present as well as if we would
never have lost the contact at all
Robert Lindquist my at
least 2nd best friendship between GER and SWE! ;-)
Final words:
to all of you for beeing part of my life and hope to have
you by my side for much longer!