August 2nd - 22nd 1992

The first time I have been in an English speaking country was in 1992 when I traveled to Torquay at The English Riviera. It was a trip with IST (International Student Travel). A friend of mine joined me, his name was Benjamin. The group leader we had has not been that kind but I enjoyed the trip anyways because our host parents were very kind and we liked the country. We also have been in London for some days. Later I have been to London again with my English A-level class. I very much liked Madame Tussaud's, especially the Rock Circus. Here are some photos from England. Enjoy them!



Torquay 1992Torquay 1992
Torquay 1992Torquay 1992
Torquay 1992Torquay 1992

The host parents' house in Torquay where I lived in:

Host Parents Home

My host family (Andre, Sue, little boy Sean, and the two little girls)/ Sean and Sean on my shoulders:

Fam. HorthFam. Horth
SeanSean and me

The coast:



Dartmouth Castle/Dartmouth Harbour/Dartmouth University:

Dartmouth CastleDartmouth Harbour
Dartmouth University

IST group picture:
(I am in the second row standing the second guy from left with a red shirt)

IST group picture 1992

name_lon.gif (353 Byte)

Madame Tussaud's Rock Circus:

Status QuoMichael Jackson
horth_1.jpg (75709 Byte)Boris BeckerJames Bond

Some of the famous places in London:
