
not yet available!!!
25th - 30th April 2007:
After I had my van at my "special man" for reparing it to get it ready for driving to my future work during the trainee teacher time I still had to a last thing to do: bring the kitchen to our the new flat and leaving a very colorful yellow flat behind.

Moving 2007Moving 2007
(1+2): Pictures from my old flat in Davenstedt

Last day this month there has been the introduction event for my trainee teacher time in Wolfenbüttel at the STS WF. Strange feeling to start that new part of my life and therefor I didn't know where this would take me to in the end! But however it's been a more good than bad feeling so far.
23rd - 24th April 2007:
I had the last two lessons at the IGSM in my German classes and spent a great last time with the kids outside the class-room and got some sweet letters from some of "my girls". It wasn't easy at all for me ending this time teaching at the IGSM.
20th - 22nd April 2007:
A new period of the rowing class started with an information meeting and only three new kids for the group so far. Furthermore I moved to the new flat in Hannover - Wettbergen this weekend, but without the kitchen that was still left in my old flat in Davenstedt. I packed a lot of stuff on Friday, the last day in the old flat. On one hand it has been a strange feeling leaving so much behind, my first flat... more than about four great years in the area of my former rowing club and not only that. On the other hand I was looking for the future together with Tamara in a bigger flat, because this one really became much too small for living together what we have done for some months now. Here are some pictures from the last days, getting ready to move:

Moving 2007Moving 2007
Moving 2007Moving 2007
Moving 2007Moving 2007
Moving 2007Moving 2007
(1-3): Taken on the last evening/night before moving..., (4-8): Ready to move to the new flat!

Thanks for the great helping hands to Tamara and Jan (see above) and to my brother and to Kevin
17th April 2007:
During the last days I supervised Arne and Jasmin, two of my students, in their classes at school to try to help them in maths. I also got help from a handworker with the floors in my new flat, especially with the laminat floor in the corridor because it was too much for me, doing all on my own.
Savage CircusOn Tuesday it has been the 2nd time seeing Savage Circus live - see their crazy old tourbus on the left in front of Ballroom in Hamburg - always a special place to go, but this one became much more than a regular visit to a concert in the Ballroom!
Annika "Yeti" joined me and we drove with my van. It's really been great talking to her again after such a long time.
In Hamburg she helped me to get the chance meeting CIIC in their tourbus and it was really great, getting the chance to personally meet ZAK. In my eyes he has a very impressing appearance, a typical American enthusiastic person (see his eyes on the pictures and you can perhaps guess what I mean!?). I got all my "Sava-CDs" signed and some for Janne as well and he talked to me about the CDs and which one is his daughters favorite one! Meeting Zak Stevens will always be a special moment in my life I think.
Savage CircusSavage Circus
Zak Stevens, former Savatage frontman in the CircleIICircle tourbus together with me

There has been a special mood between the bands that day, but I could not see what was wrong that time, I only knew that there have been some problems with SC playing at some of the past dates/venues of the tour and that Yenz had big trouble with his shoulder but still really wanted to play the following gigs.
During this concert I stood directly in front of Piet and realized that his daughters anbd his family as well stood next to me. I shot some great photos again, WITH flashlight, even if Yeti said, the best pictures are WITHOUT... LOL. It has been a great show again, I only felt sorry for Yenz, because one could really see how bad he felt and how many "drugs" he had to take to be able to play, my deepest respect for him doing his best that evening!
Savage CircusSavage Circus
Savage CircusSavage Circus
Savage CircusSavage Circus

After the great show of SC I went dow>nstairs to the basement where the backstage area was, collecting some autographs again. Thomas Nack has also been there and Markus Großkopf (from Helloween), funny as usual, as well. I realized some serious looking discussions backstage but only later got to know that this was the last concert of Savage Circus on that tour; they cancelled all the last shows for different reasons I don't want to name right here. However this still is a special event in the past and will always be. Thanks to all who made that happen, especially Savage Circus and Zak! You rock!

Savage CircusSavage Circus
Markus Großkopf from Helloween together with me in the basement of the Ballroom.
17th April 2007:
Savage CircusDuring the last days I already started renovating the floor in the new flat and packing all my stuff in the old flat. On Sunday there has been a great Metal event of Piets second band around Thomen Stauch (see crazy pic on the left), former drummer of Blind Guardian. It was the first time I personally got him to know. I also knew almost all of the other members, Yenz from Iron Savior and two guys from Persuader - Piet has mixed their last record! It's a great band line-up in my eyes.
The headliner of this tour has been CircleIICircle, with the former Savatage frontman Zak Stevens I knew from some "Sava-CDs" from the very first beginning of my HM era.
I arrived in time and could meet the bands before the gig and have dinner with them. Thomen has been a really kind and funny person, smoking quite a lot what I realized immediatly.
I could stand in the first row during the whole concert, although the venue has been quite small there have been not that many fans at the concert. I found the venue quite strange for bands like Savage Circus and CIIC. Savage Circus rocked a lot, it's been interesting to see Thomen drumming live. They played the whole album live if I remeber it correctly, including the great bonus track, a cover song: "Ça plane pour moi".
Savage CircusSavage Circus
Savage CircusSavage Circus
Savage CircusSavage Circus
Savage CircusSavage Circus
Savage CircusSavage CircusSavage Circus
See more pictures on the Official Savage Circus Homepage in the Photos section!

In the break I met and talked to Andrea from one of my former bands ("Silent Storm") I played with a long time ago. After the break CIIC started but I stayed most of the time backstage talking to Yenz. Almost at the end of the show CIIC played old Savatage songs and of course I didn't want to miss that great chance, so I went beside the stage. having a great view on the drummer who seemed to have a kind personality. The songs reminded me a lot of me listening to the "Sava-CDs" in the past sitting in my former room in the house of my family.
01st - 03rd April 2007:
Sweden 2007Sweden 2007At the beginning of April Tamara and I went downtown Sandviken to get a bit more taste of the town-center itself. Nothing that special but different to what we knew from Hannover and it doesn't have to be sth. totally special to feel good in my eyes. It's just a great feeling to be in a foreign town in a foreign country, relaxing and thinking of nothing you have to do, just be free! We took some photos and enjoyed the time together. At this second last day in Sweden I almost realized how short the time has been and started trying to get as much impressions as possibles to keep in mind. Around midday Tamara and I walked down some streets near Jannes home and took some pictures of typical Swedish houses which reminded me a lot of American houses.

Sweden 2007Sweden 2007
Sweden 2007Sweden 2007

In the afternoon we joined Janne at his soccer-club where he had a game. We went there with Pernilla and enjoyed the game, Janne has been the goal keeper of his team. It got a bit cold at the end and we could sleep very good during that night after such a long but wonderful day.


Some terriffic days have been over. We returned home from over Gränna to Stockholm and after a break during the night to Kopenhagen with a short visit and then to Flensburg, Hamburg and last stop Hannover. A strange ffeling, returning from such a great trip to a flat I am going to give up during the next weeks.