Part II
...at our second trip together to Hamburg (01./02. August 1998)
(1+2): Jan and me , (3): Jan and Tobias in front of the central station
(1): Jan and me 'in the green', (2): 'Fangface No. II', (3): Tobias and me in a park
(1+2): me, Tobias still in the park
...at our second trip together to Hamburg (01./02. August 1998)
(1): the 'Backstage' guys Jan, Harald (me) and Tobias, (2): we with a kind ('Bobby') guest, (3): Jan and me
(1): Jan and me discussing what to do (drink!) next, (2): another guest that wanted to sit next to us!,
(3): Tobias with his tomato soup
(1): what had happened to Tobias???, (2): he wanted to have one more of these photos!,
(3): everything OK with this guy!
(1): no, not anymore...!, (2): Jan is taking a photo while Tobias is looking for the next beer to arrive
(1): oh, who has to clean the floor???
'Jan, sorry for the wet trousers'
(1) me, (2) Tobias, (3) Jan in front of a 'Pumpkin Fly Free' tour-poster
...at our second trip together to Hamburg (01./02. August 1998)
(1): let's have a look what these guys are doing!,
(1+2): Oh no, such photos shouldn't be here!
(1): Tobias is still awake, (2): I am not!
(1): this time Jan went to the toilet, (2): I am still f...ed up
If you liked these pics go and see the ones of our other trips to Hamburg!
Part I Part II Part III Part IV - 'The Millennium Trip'
Part V - 'Tobi's Birthday' Part VI - 'Metalium Trip'
Part VII - 'The Second Millennium Trip' 2000/2001 Part IIX - 'The Quicky-Trip' 2001