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August 2nd - 22nd 1992

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The first time I have been in an English speaking country was in 1992 when I traveled to Torquay at The English Riviera. It was a trip with IST (International Student Travel). A friend of mine joined me, his name was Benjamin. The group leader we had has not been that kind but I enjoyed the trip anyways because our host parents were very kind and we liked the country. We also have been in London for some days. Later I have been to London again with my English A-level class. I very much liked Madame Tussaud's, especially the Rock Circus. Here are some photos from England. Enjoy them!

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The house where I lived in:

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My host family (Andre, Sue, little boy Sean, and the two little girls)/
Sean and Sean on my shoulders:

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The coast:

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Dartmouth Castle/Dartmouth Harbour/Dartmouth University:

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IST group picture:
(I am in the second row standing the second guy from left with a red shirt)

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Madame Tussaud's Rock Circus:

Status QuoMichael Jackson
horth_1.jpg (75709 Byte)Boris BeckerJames Bond

Some of the famous places in London:
